Sunday, October 21, 2012

An Adventure

Well, now. I never imagined myself setting up my own blog (I used to be so cool) and hey ho whud'ya know? Funny how lot's of things can change. Not so long ago, I was ignorant of a lot of things. More oblivious than ignorant, really.

But yeah. I was a kid who was afraid of taking steps forward because of reasons I may or may not share on this blog. Then lot's of stuff happened and here I am trying something new. Blogging. This must be fun. I can see how it could be fun. :)) Heck I'm excited about this - I don't really know what to write about right now.

I guess I can start with me. An introduction of sorts. Here I go.

Meow. I like cats. The sight of them makes me high (the frothing in the mouth kind). And I fancy myself a cat.

photo by Patrick Young

See what I mean? I don't even own those cats and they <3 me already. Speaking of <3. This is the person who makes this man's heart beat faster.

This is Wina. She makes me smile everyday. Such a lucky guy to have her. She can be the sweetest person. You can catch her at if you don't already know her.
Love this girl. Hearts in my eyes.

Actually, lot's of stuff changed for me after meeting this amazing woman. First off, I became less cynical about things. [aside: the caption to this blog was actually supposed to be ''the ramblings of a dreamer and cynic'] Second, I got back to writing because of her. I used to write a lot until I got lost somewhere along the way. Then here she comes, miss awesome wordsmith that she is, pulling back into the world of words and imagination. Third, I never thought I'd ever consider anyone to be THE one. <3 and if I go any longer, this post isn't going to end.

She's amazing and I love her.


So why Two Travelling Feet?

Why indeed.

We are all travelling constantly. To school. To work. To home. To a loved one. To a friend. We wake up to set our feet on solid ground and move forward. I woke up not so long ago from a nightmare called life, and I found my solid ground. I'm taking life step by step and here is where you guys will be reading most of it.

Looking forward to what awaits us in our little adventure called life.

1 comment:

  1. Flowers of moe! YIIIEEEE WINA.

    Welcome(back) to ze blogging world, Keav! :D

