Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Some Small Things # 9 - Work in Progress

Thesis. One of the most wonderful things (no sarcasm here) that has happened ever since I set foot in tertiary education. This is the one thing I have always been waiting for - my gateway to the real world.

"The Relationship Between the Death Anxiety and Life Satisfaction of all 1st year and 4th year College Students from a selected educational institution in Quezon City"

What a mouthful. But that's my thesis title. I dream maybe one day people will be able to use it for the benefit of mankind. I've been working on my brainchild for the most of one and a half years. It has evolved into a more simplified version of the actual study I started out with. This baby of mine was supposed to be a study on the mediating role of Self Esteem on the relationship between DA and LS. Unfortunately, I am not well-versed in the art of mediation analysis so I cut it out from the bulk of the study and remade it into what I already have (more because I was pressed for time than the want to do something else).

So far I have proved a few things to myself: 1.) I am gifted with intelligence, but what talent I have for mental processes, I use on more practical (and personal, maybe) things such as managing people or economizing on movement. 2.) I am one of the laziest people that I know of that can still get away with low-effort and most of the time, surprisingly enough, quality work. 3.) I can't stand ever getting good marks for low-effort work because it doesn't make sense to me. 4.) I HATE PAPERWORK. 5.) I can be very generous when I am able. 6.) I have confirmed with myself that I life is fun. F**k death. Life is too short. I want to make the most out of it. 7.) (just so I can clear things out and because you people whoever you are made me question myself far too long) I am NOT an atheist. I am not even a THEIST. I don't even trust science. BUT. I try to make sense of things with what humanity (and it's collective knowledge) has provided me. So stop thinking I don't believe in whoever deity you might fancy. It's more agitating than oppressive when people label me as an atheist (not that I'm saying it's wrong to be atheist - I'm just not one of them). and 8.) I will be delving more into Industrial-Organizational Psychology because I realize how anal I can get with work when the lazy isn't present. This way, when I get my MA (oh, wishful thinking), I'll be cleaning out someone's business and make it a well-oiled (but benevolent) cash churning machine because I HATE-LOVE money and I HATE-LOVE people.

Right know I am working on statistics for thesis and I tell you, it is a lot of work and I've asked a lot of people to help me out (with compensation because I love giving what I can). To these people, you know who you are. From the bottom of my recently bloated heart, I deeply, most sincerely thank you. Without you, I'd be a nervous wreck right now.

Anyway, I wrote this to take a break from the mundane world of typing anal stuff. Back to work. :D

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